Lisa Rad:  This challenge was about getting some balance in my life, and hopefully, a
little weight loss.  Well, the weight has finally started to move in a
downward direction, YEAH!  I think the important part of this exercise for
me was that, while I strive to be "on it", it's ok to have a little wiggle
room.  I need the flexibility and the structure this program provided.  I
felt that this was a huge lesson for me to learn!  There is a middle ground,
and it is good to be on that ground.  I am a grateful person...and I thank
you for all your work and for eing able to be a part of this!

Marta P:  Trying to keep this and moving is very difficult.  What I learned was I really need to keep up the exercise, the more serving of veggies the better.  2 of fruit is okay but 3-4 of veggies is better a day if I want to lose weight.  I have lose 10 lbs this past 3 months.  I never had a problem with soda I don't like it that much now I won't drink it at all.  I have never had alcohol so that is also not a problem.  Writing in a journal everyday is really hard.  I did not always have much to say.  Reading was very beneficial and I will continue do to that everyday.  I also liked the idea of not eating after 8 o'clock at night.  That is another thing I plan on keeping up.  So all in all it has taught me the things I need to work on and be aware of to stay healthy and keep losing weight.  It has been very good.

Eleanor:  This challenge taught me consistency.  Doing these 10 things daily triggers your mind so that this program is now a part of your life.  For example, even though I had a "free point" like for water, I still drank the recommended water intake.  The 3 months changed my eating habbits and I will hopefully continue this journey either with another group or with myself.  I lost about 15 lbs (but as of this past week being sick I probably gained 3-4 back).  But if I continue this program I hope to lose more :)

Melanie D:  Thank you so much for all you work in coordinating the wellness challenge. It was very beneficial for me and my daughter. We have both developed some good habits because of the challenge, especially the exercise and the water. It's funny that some of the simplest things to do were the hardest for us to follow. Like writing in the journal. I guess when I was just too busy, that was the thing that I dropped. I plan to continue doing most items on my own like cutting out the junk food, no sodas/alcohol, plenty of exercise, lots of water and giving praise to others.

Carmie B:  This has been an awesome opportunity to take a look at my life and notice where I need to make improvements/changes!  The guidelines were a great help in tackling this endeavor.  I can definitely "feel" the changes that I have made and stuck with!  I am not such a junk food junkie and have lost about 10 pounds and 2 inches!!  WOO HOO!!   The best part is, I feel good about it.  I've tried many times to get on a healthy diet and exercises plan, but they always fail after a few weeks.  This time I have had the motivation to keep it going!  My only trouble was giving up a my glass of wine or bottle of beer a couple days a week and writing in that journal everyday!   Are we going to do this again???  PLEASE!!!!!  :o)

Margie Ree:  I just wanted to say thank you for including me in the wellness challenge!  I have not only established healthy habits but
I have also lost 14 pounds and a pant size!  Everyone in my family benefited since going through a drive through was not
an option! Fruits and vegies were always available and no more soda (only on my free day if I really needed one!)  A big thanks
to my family especially Jadyn for keeping me accountable and checking the boxes and to my husband for helping me stick to
a routine even if it was going to the gym late at night so I could get my point!  Congrats to everyone :+)

Kim St:   Personally, doing the second challenge-back to back with the previous one-seemed to be a great idea initially.  Just rolling right into the next one; no brainer.  However, it was a bigger challenge to me the second time around for some reason.  I did hang on to a lot of great habits though:  no fast food/eating out, water intake, eating late in the day and just being more conscious about getting all my fruits and veggies into the day.  And the bonus, these things carried over to my family! (whether or not they even know it!)  We had a lot on our plate personally this time around though and I was easily distracted from the exercise and went to sweets more often as well as not closely monitoring my portions, especially at dinner-end of the day was/is the hardest for me to make good choices for myself.  It was nice to have some guidelines to fall back on and feel like I am taking better care of myself.....Thank you JEN for taking this on for us!  You rock!

Rahel M:  My life has gotten hectic and I went to old habits. Eating out, letting the exercise go, basically letting myself go. But I feel good that I can start tomorrow, I try to not fall too far behind even though I'm not being perfect. 

Joanie U:  Wow - this has been a great challenge for me.  It comes natural to me now and I am loving it.  This has and will become a lifestyle for me - maybe not an everyday with every challenge, but definitely with the eating habits.  Not eating after 8 has been huge for me as I love to snack watching TV.  I also feel better - more healthy and less aches and pains.  The weight loss has been slow but my body is reshaping which makes me look like I am thinner.  The compliments from friends and family have been very positive.  Thanks, Jen, for bringing this new way of "thinking" into my life.  LY 

Jessica L:  I came into this challenge not expecting much and definitely geared to hit all my categories each week.  I was amazed at how God has used this challenge to make me more aware of how I was spending my time, how I was treating my body and how much I needed to journal (I never had before).  I have learned how to spend my free time either working out, reading my bible or simply just using that time in prayer.  I can tell my body is much happier because of the good things that are going in instead of all the junk that I don't even need and now don't even crave.  My skin feels so good, my body is toned and I am at my goal weight that I wanted to be in the 3 months except I was there at the end of 2 :).  The whole journaling experience has been so great and I love writing down my daily experiences and also I included things I was praying about for the day. I got to see first hand God at work answering some of them and giving me a way to write it down and give it to him.  I am sad that the challenge is coming to an end but this was just a kick start to my attitude adjustment towards life!  I can't wait to keep going; there is no stopping me now.  Look out world here I come! 

Sharesse S:  I have lost almost 20 lbs and I feel great!

Nancy S:  ♪♫ Wo! I feel good... ♫♪  sing it James Brown!!! The focus on my wellness needs has liberated me! With only 10 daily items, this Wellness Challenge was manageable. I have even lost 9.4 pounds --- maybe even more by the end of the week. ::wink::wink:: Shocker: I look forward to exercising!!   ♫♪ I feel good. I knew that I would. ♪♫  Bonus: I really enjoyed the participation with my daughter, Tina! It has brought us closer and we have succeeded together.   ♫♪ So good, so good... ♪♫ Blessings to all who became self aware in their personal Wellness Journey!

Kristen P:  Yahoo for the free weekend celebration...although I am not going to go CRAZY on the sweets!  I had lost weight but put a couple pounds back on due to having to take sick days...not able to exercise.  Anyway...this challenge was fun and I really enjoyed eating healthier and staying hydrated!  Thanks a bunch!!

Trina T:  My Better Me in 3 Wellness Challenge Experience
When I started this challenge I did not know what was in store for me.  I was just hoping to stick it out and make it to the end.  I have done just that, so my only initial goal is completed.  I was surprised at how this challenge really impacted my life in such a positive fashion.  I was on Jenny Craig throughout the whole challenge.  I have been through Jenny before and while it is easy to lose the initial weight because it is a thought-LESS process, the combination of Jenny Craig and this wellness challenge was just what I needed to find my internal power to resist temptations, that in the past would have taken me down around every corner.  I have learned so much about my person, my body and my soul through this challenge and I KNOW I will make it to the end of my weight loss journey.  I have never felt like it is really a possibility until I did this challenge, but now I am going to put one foot in front of the other and walk with faith that I will make it.  There will, without a doubt, be some highs and lows throughout the process, but I know I am strong enough to push through them and get back up, stand tall and move forward.  I have lived for the blogging of fellow challengers and their trials and triumphs and tried to provide some insight through my blogging for others as well.

I have lost 24 pounds during this challenge and I am planning on continuing this challenge after Friday, but have been too chicken to make the final leap in taking on a whole group.  I am on the edge, but have not jumped yet. (ok... if anyone is interested from this group, and no one has stepped up, I will do it, but I will need some help getting started.... appears God has give me a scripture that is pretty clear...)  Thank you Jen for all your dedication and willingness to share what you knew that is making such a difference in my life.

1Timothy 6:17-19

 17Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. 18Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. 19In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.

Veronica A:  Things I have learned about "WELLNESS" 1.  It feels sooo good to exercise, even moderately, every day.  I have enjoyed walking through my neighborhood on my off-running days.  I LOVE a walk before church on Sunday...clears my head!

2.  It is helpful to always have healthy snacks in the car.  I rediscovered rice cakes...yum!

3.  Pre-made bags of veggies and grapefruit have become a staple!

4.  Taking a break "once a week" from most things is probably a good rule of thumb for me.

5.  I think "one treat a day" is more like it for me...that way, I am not binging on my day off.

Although I have lost only 3 pounds...highly disappointing...I feel more balanced, stronger and disciplined.  I feel proud of what I have accomplished and look forward to continuing my new good habits!  Thanks for organizing all of this, Jen
Drina D:  The wellness challenge has been really good for me in getting me motivated
and getting back into the habit of taking better care of myself. I know
since having Kendra, I haven't felt I had the time or energy to do what I did before
(exercise especially). My goal of doing the wellness challenge was primarily to
recenter and revitalize. Even though I have always had a very health-oriented
life style, I definitely wasn't treating myself as a priority anymore. I literally
forgot about me for a long while. The challenge helped me to remember to include myself in my daily goals. I have felt a definite shift back to where I used to be and it feels
great!  Thanks Jen for all the hard work you have put into this challenge!!

Nancy F:  This challenge came at the perfect tine for me as I was frustrated  
with my lack of energy which I strongly suspected was related to my  
food choices.  I entered the challenge to provide the extra incentive  
to make the changes I knew deep down I needed to make to combat a  
family history of diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.  While I  
didn't have a specific goal for weight loss I have lost about 7  
pounds.  More importantly, I've toned up and feel much better  
physically with more energy than I had previously.  I recently had a  
blood panel done and was glad to get an excellent report and no sign  
of diabetes or heart disease on the horizon.  My doctor made the  
comment that the best preventative for diabetes is exercise.  Good  
motivation!  I love the balance of this program in that I never felt  
as though I was totally deprived knowing I had a free day coming each  
week.  My 19 year old son and I recently started a new exercise  
program together - P90X.  It's a 90 day program and fairly intense  
though I've thoroughly enjoying being able to experience it with my  
son.  Ninety days ago, I wasn't in shape enough to endure the P90X  
workout.  The changes I've made in my eating habits and the daily  
exercise are lifestyle changes that I will continue beyond this 90 day  
period.   Thanks, Leslie for extending the invitation to our Bible  
study group and thanks, Jen, for coordinating everything!!!  It's been  
a rewarding experience!! :)

margie Ru:  I'll be honest...I did not finish the challenge.  BUT I will say it  
changed my lifestyle.  I completed two months of the challenge and it  
faded out due to not keeping with journaling, and reading etc.  But as  
far as eating right and excercizing,  I did keep with that.  I have  
lost around 12lbs and I feel great!  So didn't winthe challenge but it  
definitely got the healthy ball rolling.  I feel so much better about  
myself.  Thank you so much!!!

Tina S:  The wellness challenge has helped me a lot to learn what proper servings are and what is healthy.