Margie R:  I have been doing everything except I find myself forgetting the "read an encourging text)  SHouldnt this be the easiest thing?  I am working out everyday. Eating great everyday...its just that one thing...UGH!  NOT ANYMORE!

Drina D: So far, so good! I knew it wouldn't be "perfection" for me, but definitely on the path to better health, which is what I wanted, yea! Thanks for inviting me to join in on challenge. =)

Nancy F: I made it through the first six days without soda  and fortunately, it wasn't quite as difficult as I thought it would  be.  I certainly felt some caffeine withdrawals with the elimination  
of both soda and chocolate but tried to compensate by drinking more  hot tea.  :)  I'm excited about starting week 2!

Claudine T: Got off to a great, exciting start...then got sick...really sick.  I had to use all three sick days and still that was not enough.  Pretty bummed; not what I thought my start was going to look like.  I am feeling better now so I have to start again.

Bernice K: I went to the  Bay Area for my mother's 81st  birthday. I only earned 7 points out  
of 20 on those two days. What I learned was that it is easier to focus on the challenge when I'm at home. I only earned 49 points this week. Next weekend I'm going to San Francisco and I really need to stick with the Challenge.

Trina T: Looking forward to week 2.  I struggled with caffeine withdrawals and took my free point for soda today...  I need to go off gradually to avoid the migraines, but other than that, great challenge.

Megan A: Super Bowl Sunday took me out of a perfect 70! Who can resist beer and salsa con queso with fooseball...? :) 

Carmie B: Well, it was a very stressful week, but I pulled through putting all of my focus on my challenge!!  It was what got me through the week!!  THANK YOU!!!!!  I am amazed at how much energy I have!   And I didn't want to skip any of my exercises!   I am proud of myself for keeping on track and my points......69!!!!!  I had a candy bar on Friday.  :o(

Jamie B: Too tired to read, too tired to exercise, wide awake for B J's Pazookie (warm pan of chocolate chip cookie with a scoop of ice cream... YUM). I'm going to cut myself a break, not bad for being 3 days into a vacation! Ha!

Marta P: I found several things were very easy, drinking water is simple I usually do about 64 oz a day and no soda and alcohol is also easy.  I hate soda and don't drink any alcohol.  But writing in a journal is hard for me.  I already had a journal and had been adding to it occasionally but writing in it everyday was difficult and I'm not ready for online.  No sweets except for once a week is another hard one and might be my downfall but I knew I had to report and so I was able to turn down a treat twice this week, unbelievable!  Again because I had to report going out and getting my exercise everyday was much easier than usual.  And I started to lose the weight I gained over Christmas, yeah.  Exercise makes a difference!  Knowing I have to report has made a difference at least for this week.

Stephanie B: I had a great week.  I worked out hard each day.  My toughest day of workout is on Tuesday when I put in 2 full hours one on Body Pump and one hour on Body Combat!  Awesome classes and sweat is just dripping from everywhere, yuck, but good!  I struggle every day with food around 3-4pm and 8pm!  At 3-4 I figured is when I can have a cliff bar and at night I try to drink more water (bad habit eating icecream at that time!).  But other than that I have really realized what I am used to taking in and have broken everything into 1/2 the serving and I have lost 4 pounds this week!   Yeah!!!  Thank you for this program- it's a program but really how life should just be daily forever!  Have a good night!

Amanda P:  It was not as hard as I thought it was going to be. The biggest motivator for me is that I want to check off that box.  I like things to look complete, and if a box is missing a checkmark, well, it just doesn't look right.

Melissa Z: I don't know which I hope to pick up so that I can pay for the increase in my healthy food bill or a decrease in work responsibilities so that I can have time to exercise.  Sometimes to accomplish one goal, another has to be compromised.  Am I alone in this or is anyone else feeling this way too?
Rahel M: This week. It was easier to say no to certain foods this week b/c I had a reason. That was my biggest difficulty and I realized that I don't easily get my servings of veggies in.

Ronda A: This week was a lot harder than I thought it might be.  I don't know why I thought all this change was going to be a snap just because it was a challenge.  I was still up at 11 pm doing my personal goal two nights, and finishing an apple at 7:45 to get those 2 points the first night (2 fruits &veggies, and no eating after 8).  It's all good. 

Melanie and Sarah D: The toughest challenge for me was fitting the exercise time into my day, but I got creative by breaking it up into 1/2 hour on treadmill in the am and 15 minutes of weights in the pm. This worked well for me. For Sarah, the biggest challenge was eating 2 fruits and 2 veggies each day, but she did it. We feel great and are loving the wellness challenge.

Jessica L: I made it and all my points!!!  I love this program and the way I have been feeling this last week.  I look forward to getting up in the morning and I look forward to my daily exercise.  I have even noticed my skin getting better because I have cut out the junk food in my diet!  I can't wait to get through another week this is the best.

Kirsten P: The week went good for me.  What a great challenge!  Thank goodness for a "free" square now and then!  I am drinking hot water with lemon throughout my day at work for my water biggest challenge is to stay hydrated and drink water!  So, this is working for me.

Linda H:  I was quite pleased with my first week's progress.  I think I set too lofty of a personal goal, though, for just starting out as I completely tanked in that area.  I believe that I have set a more reasonable second week goal, so we'll see how it goes. I am extremely thankful to you for organizing this and I am quite happy with myself for taking on the challenge.  Here's to a great second week!
Mollie B: I haven't written in a journal since forever ago and I have to say I am really enjoying it.  I was having some "moments" with my younger son...wrote about it and was able to work on it the next day.  The writing helped me reflect and see things a little differently.  

Trisha B: it was a horrible week for me, I thought I was dropping out most of the week, my hormones are completely out of wack, but then last night I could feel the Holy Spirit tugging on my heart that I need to change my eating habits.  So, to my best estimate (I didn't cut myself any slack, but did include the "free" points) I earned a pitiful 23 points last week :(  Praying for a better week this week :)

Betsy G: Surprised at where my "trouble spots" where! I struggled over the journal, the water, and the fruit! This week will be better and just the awareness is worth the price of admission!!

Elaine B: Amazingly, I was able to meet all 10 criteria everyday this week!  Which is amazing to me, since I am
taking a college Anatomy & Physiology course this semester that starts at 7AM!  I am missing my morning
Mountain Dew!

Nancy S: Its been a great week! I love this Wellness Challenge. Even while traveling, I was able to keep at it. My points this week: 66

I don't know if Tina replied to you, she earned all 70 points. You can see an amazing difference in her. Wow! (She only passed on 2 allowable items - better than me this week!) You go girl! I am so proud of you.